• Two doors with the guillotine or retractable opening system and, in turn, swing opening and closing with a magnetic system.
Can optionally incorporate:
• Air chamber to improve natural convection and facilitate assembly, highly recommended.
• Air chamber prepared for forced convection and 430 m3/h turbine with control unit, thermostat and remote control, to send hot air further, faster.
• Trim perimeter frame to finish off the plasterboard, work and facilitate its assembly, highly recommended.
• Hidden perimeter frame to finish off the plasterboard, work and facilitate its assembly.
• As all VISION monoblock fireplaces with panoramic fireplaces are built to allow us to enjoy a closed or open fire if we feel like it and, depending on the location and its connotations, they can incorporate an intake for the intake of external primary air, totally personalized.
• Support base adjustable in height and fully customized.
• In the case of wanting to enjoy the fire always closed, the guillotine or retractable opening system can be eliminated.

VISION MONOBLOCK PANORAMIC FIREPLACES are monoblocs made of steel and their combustion chambers are covered with reinforced steel plates. They all incorporate vitroceramic glass doors with the GUILLOTINE OR RETRACTABLE opening system to allow us to enjoy
closed or open fire if we feel like it. The steps of your smoke outlets are designed for it. At the same time, all the doors allow their opening in a conventional swing way or tilt-and-turn in the large format ones, to facilitate cleaning of the crystals. They incorporate closures with a magnetic system. With the door closed, the VISION of the flame remains wide thanks to the minimal profiles in the door frames and in the absence of any of them between the two or three panes of the SIDE OR THREE-SIDED models. The ashtrays embedded in the base increase the VISION sensation of the flame and facilitate the cleaning of the ash. We have a series of models that could be considered as standards
for its specific measurements but, following our ATELIER DE LA CHIMENEA philosophy of adapting the fireplace to the location, not the location to the fireplace, the great virtue of the VISION MONOBLOCK FIREPLACES PANORAMIC FIREPLACE construction system is that it allows us to CUSTOMIZE them almost to the 100% adapting them to these locations and/or to the PROJECT designed as a finishing coating for the fireplace and its surroundings.